Trametes versicolor
Verbascum thapsus
Part Used
Anti-inflammatory; antimicrobial; demulcent & emollient; expectorant; vulnerary
Traditional Uses
Expectorant and anti-spasmodic – indicated for both dry, hoarse coughs or wet, productive coughs with thick mucous; also in asthma. May be applied topically as a poultice to areas of muscle spasms and painful joints. Extracts display antibacterial activity against pneumonia, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermis and Escherichia coli. ^2.
Blue Cohosh
Caulophyllum thalictroides
Part Used
Root, rhizome
Urinary; reproductive
Anti-inflammatory; anti-rheumatic; anti-spasmodic; diuretic; emmenagogue; oxytocic; parturient (facilitates labour); uterine tonic
Traditional Uses
Traditionally as a uterine tonic – increases blood supply to the uterus; is indicated in any conditions of uterine weakness and loss of tone due to chronic inflammation. Specifically indicated for uterine spasms on the first day of menstrual flow, and in cases where there is a pelvic pain/sense of pelvic fullness. Antispasmodic action will ease false labour pains, and facilitate labour by normalizing uterine contractions, relax the cervix and help ensure an easy delivery. Strengths and slows down muscle contractions. Used as an emmenagogue to bring on a delayed or suppressed menses, while relieving accompanied pain. ^2.
Part Used
Root, flower, leaves
Immune; lymphatic
Antimicrobial; anti-inflammatory; diaphoretic; immune-stimulant; immuno-modulator; lymphatic; vulnerary
Traditional Uses
Immune modulating properties improves resistance to various types of infections. Best used preventatively or in the very early stages. Used as a vulnerary, topically and locally, to protect against infection, repair tissue damage and facilitate connective tissue regeneration. Traditionally used for boils, abscesses, eczema, or in the mouth for ulcers and mouth sores, gingivitis and tooth aches. Taken internally for headaches, shingles, and neuralgia. Some have found benefit for ear infections, nose/sinus catarrh, sinusitis, sore throat, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, and for coughs, colds, allergies, dyspepsia, and GIT infections.
*dosage sensitive (correct dose required for effectiveness); caution should be taken if used with autoimmune conditions. ^1. 2.
Part Used
Immune; digestive; cardiovascular
Alterative; analgesic; anti-arthritic; anti-cancer; antidepressant; anti-inflammatory; antioxidant; anti-microbial; carminative; circulatory-stimulant; hepatic & choleretic; hypolipidemic; liver trophorestorative & hepatoprotective
Traditional Uses
Used internally for digestive complaints; promotes liver function, bile flow and production, and protects the liver against toxic exposure. As a digestive aid will relieve flatulence and protect the stomach mucosa against ulceration. Is also an anti-inflammatory agent, useful for arthritic conditions, tendonitis, bursitis, bruises, sprains and pain and inflamed joints in general. Useful in gastrointestinal conditions including inflammatory bowel disease, dyspepsia, and gastric ulcers. Protective effects on the cardiovascular system – lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Used to prevent and treat various cancers. Used topically for rashes, psoriasis, eczema, ringworm, tinea, dry skin, burns, wounds and acne. ^1. 2.