Part Used
Respiratory; immune; skin
Alterative; anti-catarrhal; anti-inflammatory; anti-microbial; antispasmodic; astringent; connective tissue tonic; demulcent & emollient; diuretic; expectorant; hemostatic; lymphatic; vulnerary
Traditional Uses
Used as a wound healing remedy for centuries; and as treatment for diseases related to the skin, respiratory organs, digestive organs, for pain relief and against infections. Used externally for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antipruitic and vulnerary properties. The macerated leaves or fresh juice of the plant are excellent, quick healing agents for cuts, wounds, bruises, and ear ache (infection). A gentle, soothing expectorant indicated for irritated coughs and mild bronchitis. Exerts astringent and alterative properties internally, especially in chronic inflammatory conditions. ^2.