Part Used
Nervous; muscular; respiratory; cardiovascular
Analgesic; antimicrobial; antispasmodic; anti-anxiety; bitter; carminative; nervine sedative & hypnotic; hypotensive
Traditional Uses
One of the most relaxing nervines available to herbal medicine. Can be used safely to reduce tension, anxiety, and overly excitable states. Is an effective aid in insomnia, producing a natural healing sleep. As an antispasmodic, has a muscle-relaxing effect on smooth and skeletal muscles. Aids in the relief of cramping, neuralgias, and intestinal colic. Most indicated for pain associated with tension, such as in migraines. Useful in a variety of respiratory and cardiovascular disorders such as asthma and hypertension. Helpful in menopause – dysmenorrhea and uterine pain. ^1. 2.